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Writer's picturejulia marshall

Your Work

It is difficult seeing the role that we play in the bigger picture.

As persons, we know that we are important in the eyes of God.

As husbands and wives, priests and religious, we know that God has a particular interest in how we become holy.

But sometimes we forget…

…that what you do today in your job…

…whether slow and monotonous or quick and stressful…

…is always another chance for Jesus Christ to advance the Kingdom.

This is because your work is His work.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

And the work that you do…

…where and with whom you do it…

…is much bigger than you.

Just think of the Monks of old…

… living out their lives in a monastery to copy out texts of the most sacred kind.

Sometimes, they would never see their work completed.

Sometimes, they would only get the chance to begin something beautiful…

…leaving the remainder to someone they did not know.

And that’s what every Christian does…

…when they let God work through them.


When you seem to make very little headway…

When you advance the Gospel just one inch with a coworker…

…or simply hold the line…

…remember that yours is a work of God…

…and true masterpieces take time.

in Christ, patrick

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