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The March for Life Holds Back Utopia

Writer's picture: julia marshalljulia marshall

‘Death is nature’s remedy for all things, so why not the same for the state?’ Or so Thomas More’s character pondered in the famous book ‘Utopia.’ A man of profound conviction he too would face that remedy as the state in which he lived could find nothing better to do with him. And this now has become the irony of our time; that a word which originally meant ‘no place’ is now sought after and encouraged by chasing and endorsing death.

If there is the burden of a new life in your womb, then consider death to ease the burden. If there is suffering in your life that cannot be made to go away medically; then call upon one who has taken the Hippocratic Oath to end that suffering.  If poverty exists and it does; then reduce the number of the poor themselves.  Teach fertile couples that their gift is to be feared and teach all that pleasure is more important than children. The culture of death is no place, and it has no future in a world where joy and laughter still resound on the city streets.

And yet this is what the March for Life is.  It is a great reminder to Canada and the world that some things do not need remedies but compassion.  The March is a tidal wave of humanity that continually tells the greatest stories found in one family after another.  Life is good, life is beautiful and the future is only for the living.

And so, like the resurrection thousands of people will again prove that the state’s remedy for all things is not only evil but powerless.  The March in Ottawa will hold back utopia, not because we are mighty but because we are made for life.



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