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My Well Has Run Dry

Writer's picture: Editor in ChiefEditor in Chief

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

Like you, I have been working hard on keeping both my family and faith alive during these very strange times.

I have been spending more time with Kyla and the kids.

I have been writing more, speaking more, doing more videos to help people of faith all around the world.

And I won't lie; it has been tiring.

But yesterday, water stopped coming through our taps, indicating that our well went dry, and it was almost more than we could take.

Now normally we would expect a simple and quick fix. Turn off all the taps. Wait a bit of time, let the well fill up and voila, the water starts flowing again. But this time around things were not going to be so easy.

This time I needed to spend hours priming the well pump inside the house

It didn't work.

This time, I needed to fill buckets and buckets from a stream near our house and call on a neighbour who brought more buckets still, not to fix the problem mind you but to tide us over.


I am going to have to remove the well stone, a massive rock by all accounts, pull up the pipe that I find there and deal with things at its source.

And it got me thinking.

How many of us expect quick fixes when our spiritual wells run dry?

We think one prayer, or a good book, or maybe some self-reflection will turn things around so that we can get back to the way things should be. And though this can often work when we are feeling a little dry, it definitely isn't effective when there is something much deeper at work.

And why would it?

Deeper issues mean deeper wounds, and deeper wounds affect how we feel, think and behave.

So if this is resonating with you and you think your spiritual well is dry then I have some thoughts for you.

Now is not the time for simply getting by.

Now is the time to go to the source, lift the heavy stone you have placed over it and pour light on what you find there. And that means a full scale immersion into all things of God.

If you are reading about the faith, great read more.

If you are discussing the faith with others, wonderful, keep doing that, but above all hear the words of Him who loves you and knows you. Let it sink down deep into the wound that you carry and come to Him in and through it.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let everyone who hears say, “Come.” And let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift. - Revelation 22:17

As for me, I will be sitting here without tap water, waiting for a tool to arrive that can help me with this whole mess. So pray for me as I will most certainly pray for you.

We have quite the task ahead of us.


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