Sometimes we need a reminder that a holy night and a silent night are not exactly the same thing.
For while it is true that silence is God’s preferred method of communication, the conduit if you will that amplifies His voice beyond human efforts;
…holiness is something that can and should happen even amidst the noise of the every day.
All year round in fact, at your place of work, in your relationships, in your struggles against the worst of yourselves, holiness has always been within reach for those who seek it.
But tomorrow, on the day known as Christmas eve, what many have come to know as our Holy or Silent night, we should mention that it is so in a different way.
For obviously the incarnation that we celebrate, God on earth, is holy in a way that we can only little understand, and it is considered silent, only in that there was no real fanfare or eruption of national festivities at his original coming.

On Christmas eve then, when many in the Christian world are at Church celebrating the holy and silent arrival of our Lord…
Stop in the moment;
Take in the silence;
Because what follows is a new day; a day when the prince of the world has more than met his match.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
in Christ,,